Yan Li

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Yan Li (李延), aged 53, has served as an independent non-executive Director with effect from October 18, 2023. Mr. Li is a seasoned strategic expert with over 20 years of experience in management services, which span across various business sectors, including intellectual property rights protection and technology development. Mr. Li currently serves as the general manager of Metis IP, a company which provides intellectual property rights related services. Prior to joining us, Mr. Li was formerly the director and general manager of Beijing Runqian Information System Technology Co., Ltd., a PRC-based technology and software development company, from January 2006 to January 2016. Prior to that, Mr. Li was the division general manager of China International Electronic Commerce Center, a China-based nationwide provider of e-commerce services and infrastructure, from November 2000 to June 2002. Mr. Li received his bachelor’s degree in science from Peking University in June 1994.

Independent Director